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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm back!!!!!

What a week!
Lots of work at the hospital
and lots of work at home!
As the house was long due for painting and cleaning,
I was displaced to my mom's house and
my computer lay on the bed disassembled and covered up
with lots of sheets.
No contact with my webby friends,
and how I have missed being here!
Just a little tatting time could be managed in between all this.
So, added another round to the doily.

Look what I found in my crafty drawrer.....
tucked away at the bottom,
the first tatted thing I ever made!
The rings are Horrible......
and so are the joins.....
but now it sits on the computer table as a coaster!

Another small coaster I made yesterday....

photographed as a pin on Huma's head!

1 comment:

Shay said...

It looks stunning as a pin!


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