Got new spools of thread- Polyamide thread. Nylon. It's awesome to work with and I had to start some Macramé project with it.

One of my friends asked me for a bracelet and it had to be a macramé one.
Tatting is too delicate for a man's hand, I think!!!
But, Instead of making some for him,I ended up making some for myself!
Here are the two bracelets I made.
The yellow one is done in a different thread and I'm still in the process of getting to cradle a stone. The knots I think are too loose. I pondered a lot on the type of clasp and ended up putting a lock. Well.....

This one was done with the new threads. I finished it yesterday and wore it with my blue Saree today.
It's so much easier to manage the ends with this Nylon thread,
burning them up!
First time I did it and ITS FUN!!!

Now getting back to what I started all this for- the bracelet for a MAN!
I chose a bloodstone Jasper and some black thread and black beads. This is how far I got today.

So, got onto some bead crochet.
It was so relaxing after all that knotting and 'not righting'.
To just endlessly and mindlessly keep crocheting those little beads and they'd fall in their rightful places on their own!
Made this pretty little bracelet.

I think I'll gift my dear friend 'THIS' bracelet and tell him to gift it to his girlfriend! Her happiness will take care of all the rest.
What Say???
My fingers need some rest now. Bye.
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