I wanted to make a purse with macramé knots for a long long time.
Finally, after lot of searching and researching I decided to go ahead with it.
1.Humble beginnings....:)

2. The first section.

Till this time I'd tried,maybe, three or four designs and all the knotting and pulling apart had already started to make me weary.
3. Going on.....

4. Still going on...!!...

At this stage I was going bonkers with all the thread and the knots😖
Pretty much because I did not anticipate the amount of thread length I needed and I had to add on a lot of thread as I went along.
5.AT LAST.....😌

After burning my fingers and a lot of huffing and puffing I closed the bottom and .... And.... I'm done.
Maybe, I'll add a handle..... Or a sling.......
Maybe, I'm not done😉!
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