Hi, There!
How all you been?
Me had lots of mood swings,
bad hair days,
lazy days,
working nights,
heat exhaustion,
no monsoon,
pimples on my face,
not finding anything worthwhile to wear in my closet
and so on

You get the point,
don't you?
That's what summer in Delhi does to you!
I made these colorful things to brighten up
my boring hot life at the moment.

Here is what I did with Sherry's Chatelaine edging.....

that I've edged with the same colour thread
in button-hole stitch
by hand.

Then, another wardrobe addition for my mobile......

Then, another wardrobe addition for my mobile......

at the satin ribbon bow
and the bead flower on it..

Made the mobile model a little bit more,
Here's the side view.....

something to take to shopping... Little basket 'so that I can shop little!!!!!
That would make my hubby so happy!!!
I've been trying out filet crochet lately
and this is the first piece I made.

The white mobile cover panels are filet crochet too.
I'm planning to do a larger project in filet next.....

Love all your comments.
Thanks for stopping by.