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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I'm dancing!

Can you see!

You can't?

Hope you could!

This is the reason I'm happy...

I got an award!!!!

My 1st...

.Given to me by


Thank You!

Here are the rules:

1. Accepting the award.

2.Post in your blog along with the name of the person

who has given you the link to your blog.

3.Pass it on to blogs (15)you have and tell each step as I am now.

I've been browsing a lot of

crochet blogs

on the web lately

and my o'my are there some beautiful one's out there!

Lot's of these blogs are in Spanish or Portugese

and though I get to read the translated versions,

They are all amazing!

I've been following a lot of them,

the list is on my other blog
Vinnie's Passions and Musings

I think I'm going to pass on this award to some of them:

1. Yenny's blog

2. Aminaath-Presentes

3. Corteygrif

4. A-Fada-Flor

5. Pink Rose Crochet

6. Hand made by Lidia Luz

Do have a look at these pretty pretty blogs.

That's it?


Don't go.....

I still have something to show you...

Here's a new little bag I've made

a small purse.

Crochet, of course!

This is the first time i've tried to put in the lining myself,
hemmed it in by hand,

It's cotton..

(got to be a little something cool inside all that wool!)

It holds my tatting accessories.....



We're ready to go!!!!!!

See You All Soon!

I love all your comments,

but you already knew that?

so what are you waiting for?

Post them!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Another one......

How've you all been?

Today I was at home alone
and got down to some house cleaning...

While clearing the drawers of my old study table
I found a bunch of letters written to me by
my elder sis and my father,
and I was transported back to those
rebellious teenage years-
when I wouldn't want to hear anything,
do anything they told me to do,
so they wrote letters to me!
(which I did read and store carefully !)
only mom could talk to me to be heard!

How time changes everything...

I loved them then
and I love them now!

But yes,
Now I realize
how much they always loved me!

amongst the garbage I found
a box full of scrap threads,
and some old tatted edgings!
Simple ones, you know, like rings only...

I wondered what to do with them,
then got an
Took out the red velvet,
my sewing machine...
and my phone got a new addition
to it's ever expanding wardrobe!

Here .....
take a look....

The flower is simply ruffled up edgings in layers!

Can you see the Ink mark on the two top petals?
Well, the flower was stained
isn't it giving a sort of antique finish to it.....
(I know,
You wouln't have noticed
had I not told you!)

That's it for now
but do keep your
lovely lovely
comments coming in!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Minty heart

Not getting much time to be on my computer lately......
Not getting much time for threads too........
but somehow,
get to entangle my hands in my threads......
and does it feel lovely!!!!

Haven't been able to catch up much on the design tat class too
but to make a heart of a six sided snowflake
looked like an interesting challenge

and this is what I could come up with......

love the mint green colour with the red.

About the filet crochet PROJECT...
Still going on
made up a little bag to hold it in

with the granny-squares that I'd made some years back!

Now I can carry it in my bag too!!
and start crochetting
wherever I find time!

As always.....

love to hear from you


do keep in touch.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's Raining..'..''.'.'...''..'

At last
The hot spell is broken
It's raining

The temp dropped down nearly 10degrees!

Now that we are over with the Ice-cream days....

Made some chocolate cookies
with hazlenut and choco topping

Wanna have a bite?

Got on with the filet project I talked about last time...

It's gonna take me a hell lot of time!

Showing off a little bit of it...

Not much happenning on other fronts....

Bye for now,

Keep talking to me......


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