I'm back today from a very hurried holiday.
We went to Shimla on Saturday and were supposed to come back yesterday but it snowed and rained!
we coudn't have driven back in that kind of weather!
My sister and her family had already left on friday
and we just sort of followed them there!
It was really fun.
The best part was that just when we were about to start back
somehow my sis's youngest(2yrs)
locked himself in the car with the keys inside!
Atleast he enjoyed it a lot.
ultimately we had to call a keymaker to open the car.
So obviously couldn't tat much. But still while
my husband drove and my son slept I tried to tat a little.
I didn't have any pattern with me so did just
whatever I could think of.
I'm so excited to join the 25 motif challenge;
maybe one of these is going to be my first motif!
I tried an attempt at making a celtic snowflake but the centre
rings were a little large .
Dosen't matter I'll do something .
See you later.